The Projects unit aims to develop the vision of the Tunisian Union of agriculture and fisheries to contribute to the advancement and development of the agriculture and fishing sector in economic, social and political reality of farmers and seafarers through the conclusion of agreements and partnerships with national and international donor organizations and civil society organizations active in the field of human rights, the economy and development And environmental.
HELIOS Project
HELIOS project is entitled “Promoting the social inclusion of groups (without education, employment, training) NEETs / Promoting the social inclusion of nil” and it mainly aims to provide young people, in particular those belonging to NEETS and women, marketable skills and spans 3 years with a total budget estimated at € 2,791,438.03
local and regional unions
Sectoral unions
Agricultural extension Project
The Tunisian Union of Agriculture and Fisheries brings together the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources
In accordance with the recommendations of the work of the Five Plus Five (5 + 5) Committee which was held on January 7, 2019 at the seat of the government, which included representatives of the government and of the Tunisian union of agriculture and fisheries , which approved the implementation of a pilot program in the field of agricultural extension over a period of four years with 24 delegations delegated to implement it for the profession, In accordance with the content of the 2016-2022 development plan which includes the adoption of a new approach to extension based on the commitment of the profession, improving the quality of products and taking charge of their safety to increase the competitiveness of the sector at national and international levels, and in the interest of the union and the Ministry to consolidate the partnership between the public and private sectors in the In order to optimize the use of human and im materials available to both parties and to develop value chains to advance the added value of agricultural products, an agreement was reached to conclude a framework agreement between the Tunisian Union of Agriculture and Fisheries and the Ministry of agriculture, water resources and sea fishing in the field of agricultural guidance, which has been signed March 01, 2019.
The overall objective of the project:
The agricultural extension pilot project aims to establish a profitable, equitable, attractive, sustainable environment capable of adapting to climate change through the development and implementation of a targeted land extension program by introducing new extension methods and approaches (field schools, modern technologies similar to media applications …).
The Farmer Decides project
Within the framework of the will of the Tunisian Union of Agriculture and Maritime Fishing to contribute to open the way to a democratic country, a project “The Farmer Decides” financed by the International Republican Institute was programmed in the aim to encourage agriculture and seafarers to participate actively in local governance and to motivate them to participate widely in the municipal elections scheduled for 6 May. 2018, and the project is also based on the methodology of supporting feminist representation and young people in decision-making as well as the implementation of participation and decentralization and highlighting the added value provided through the participation of men and women farmers. This project mainly includes 9 cities divided into three regions:
Northwest Territory: Beja, Jendouba, Siliana
Central Province: Kairouan, Sidi Bouzid, Gafsa
South region: Medenine, Tataouine, Kebili
Stay in touch
(2019) 71 806 800
(2016) 71 809 181
Street of the Assistance, perpendicular to Alain Savary's avenue - 1003 - El Khadhra city- Tunis